Unleashing the power of waste-to-energy

IN the face of urgency to shift towards sustainable practices, the recently proposed Sultan Idris Shah (SIS) waste-to-energy (WTE) Green Energy Plant in Rawang, Selangor, emerges as a crucial stride toward a responsible future. In a world grappling with depleting landfill capacities and escalating environmental risks, this project holds immense significance that cannot be overlooked, especially as Malaysia celebrates its 66th Merdeka Anniversary. Championed by KDEB Waste Management, a wholly-owned

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The Mechanics of Green Energy Tariff in Malaysia

IN the pursuit of a greener and more sustainable Malaysia, it is crucial to understand the mechanics of green energy and how it contributes towards a cleaner environment. To promote a comprehensive adoption of green energy, there are special certificates called renewable energy certificates (RECs) which verify and authenticate that a certain amount of green energy has been produced in achieving the desired results.Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB), via its subsidiary TNBX

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Bursa Malaysia adds climate change reporting to sustainability reporting framework for companies on Main, ACE Markets

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 26): Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd has enhanced sustainability reporting requirements in the listing requirements on the Main Market and ACE Market to elevate the sustainability practices and disclosures of listed issuers. In a statement on Monday (Sept 26), the exchange holding company said this will propel listed issuers to adopt international best practices, as there have been recent significant developments in the sustainability landscape, particularly on the climate

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The Journey To Grid Decarbonisation 

THE Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad reiterated that the implementation of renewable energy (RE) will be further expanded based on the concept of self-contained systems (SCS) to spur increased investment along the RE value chain and to diversify RE programmes based on a willing buyer, willing seller approach.  This will help accelerate greater corporate sector involvement.  The NRECC stated in the United Nations

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Future-proofing the electricity grid 

I AM highly elated by the joint announcement of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) and the Ministry of Economy in addressing the Renewable Energy (RE) challenges plaguing Malaysia with the uplifting of the RE target and RE export ban. Indeed, I shared some of these challenges in my previous column in The Star of April 25, 2023 and the need of the hour for Malaysia

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MALAYSIA has an abundance of renewable energy (RE) resources, particularly in the form of solar, mini hydro, biogas and biomass.  Despite the country’s potential to generate RE, progress has been painfully slow in transitioning to a more efficient and sustainable energy mix due to several reasons.  This is where strong political will and actions are needed to wean off populist policies, namely, subsidies, which are counter-productive in the long-term.  The

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